Monday, March 24, 2008

A Graveyard Smash

I think I understand mash-ups, well, sort of. I was able to add my library to the Project Play mapbuilder map without any difficulties - thanks to the very helpful screencast demo. What I don't completely understand is what makes this mapbuilder a it that we are all inputting information about our libraries/fav spots? I thought mash-ups were a combination of information previously created in two places put together into one new place. Or maybe we're just creating our mapbuilder map so we can mash it with something else in Semseter 3 (there is going to be a Semester 3, right? Pretty please?)
Mash ups to enhance the content on my library's website could be really cool! I can imagine a mashup of book covers of books highlighting our library wide display themes (when we use the same theme throughout childrens, young adult, and adult areas) or a map of historic homes and buildings so people could create their own walking tour or even a map of some of our local cemetaries smashed up with the names and dates on the headstones to help genealogists and researchers more easily find who they are looking for (a graveyard smash).


Pat C said...

I'm not sure I really understand mashups - do you think you can enlighten me sometime.

Unknown said...

I have the same confusion as you about mashups. I think it depends on how strict of a definition you have -- is it anything that takes data (input by a user or from a database) and puts it together with something else? Or is the automatic "pulling data from a database" part essential?

I really like the "graveyard smash" idea. It would be neat to have some way to centralize genealogy data about one person in one place, and then that data could be mashed with all sorts of maps and things.

And we have some plans in the works for something to continue Project Play. It probably won't be another 10-week experience like these have been, but there will be something...stay tuned!!